Elite Crete Log Homes are built with the highest quality materials by builders that have many years of experience. Here is some additional information on how we build our amazing homes.

Elite Crete Log Home Construction
Interior Structure
Each wall starts with a base “log” or “segment” being set on the foundation wall if installing a typical joist floor, or directly on the slab where a concrete floor is being used. Base logs have a hollow channel similar to standard masonry bond beam block. This channel has one course of #4 rebar placed in it, then is poured solid with concrete forming a band around the perimeter of the building. Once the base course is set, standard logs are then stacked on top up to the wall height required. As you can see, every four feet along the wall a vertical concrete column is poured encasing #4 vertical rebar which extends to the foundation. At the top of the wall, another course of bond beam logs is laid. This is also banded with #4 rebar and vertical column steel ties into this channel. Once poured solid, the beam and column structure are complete. Bond beams and columns have a 1 ½ – 2” offset from the interior face of the wall allowing for insulation and utilities to pass.
Elite Crete Log Home walls are wired in much the same way as a typical stud wall. Holes can be drilled through the wood stud strips allowing wiring to pass through. There is also a larger 1 ½“ diameter hole through each concrete stud portion allowing larger wires to pass. Because of the simplicity of wiring this wall structure as compared to a typical log home; wiring becomes much more cost effective, with less time on the job.
Traditional log homes make plumbing in exterior walls very difficult if even an option at all, but not with our wall system. Even passing the poured in place columns and bond beams can be accomplished easily with pipe diameters of up to 1 ½ “. This can greatly reduce the cost of especially vent plumbing meaning less pipe and fittings without having to find an interior wall to vent through. This also leaves many more options when it comes to laundry room floor plans. Typically, on a traditional log home, the washer must be installed along an interior wall to meet the codes requirements of the p-trap and drain line inside the wall. Our wall system solves this problem.
Our internal wall structure has a 7 ½” deep cavity to hold insulation. This allows for as much insulation as can be inserted in a 2×8 studded wall. There is no limit on which type of insulation can be used because of the versatility of our product. This leaves the options up to the customer based on cost, efficiency and any other factors that may be a concern. If anything other than foam insulation is to be used, then each joint inside the wall is filled with expansion foam to form an airtight seal around the envelope of the building.
On the exterior, you can see how the logs stack in place with the joints offset. At present the logs are cast at a standard 8’ in length, however we do intend to add 12’ and 16’ logs to our inventory in the near future which will cut down on erection time of a home.
The exterior finish is a crucial component of any home. Not only should it resist the weather, but it should also have a beautiful appearance. Elite Crete Log Homes is known to produce the finest finishes on concrete, whether it has a log, stone, or lap siding look. With the choices of acid stain, dye, integral color and masonry paint; don’t be surprised when people walk up to your home, touch it and say, “there’s no way that’s concrete”!
Every home exterior is finished with a high-quality concrete sealer which keeps your home looking beautiful for years to come. So, while your neighbors are worrying about carpenter bees, termites, woodpeckers, rot, blasting, re-staining, re-sealing, re-chinking, sticking doors and windows; you can be enjoying the comfort and low maintenance benefits of your beautiful concrete home.
Interior Finish
The interior of Elite Crete Log Homes looks just like the modern wood log homes you have seen everywhere and feature actual wood, giving your custom concrete log home that authentic wood log cabin feel. Again, all of the materials we use are of the highest quality, just like our craftsmanship.